MPG Open Access Network
The realisation of Open Access at the Max-Planck-Society is a joint task. An important aspect is the creation of a closer network between those that are active there and all other interested parties within the Max Planck Society (research, library, administration, IT) in the matter of Open Access, thereby creating an organisational basis for the exchange of experience and the provision of advice and support in decision-making processes.
The Open Access Working Group is a forum for information service providers from various Max Planck Institutes and other interested parties to exchange ideas and information on Open Access and Open Science. The working group also serves as a point of contact for the institutes regarding these topics.
Our regular meetings are a central platform for professional exchange. We develop best-practice examples and collect helpful information. Additionally, we closely monitor the current developments in Open Access and Open Science. We are currently focusing on the following topics:
- Business models for OA journals
- Copyright issues
- Creative Commons licenses
- Monitoring publishing trends
- Open Access in PuRe
- Open Science policies
- Predatory publishing
- Preprints
The working group also organises events for the institutes’ information service providers and maintains contacts with groups inside and outside the Max Planck Society working on similar topics.
Currently 34 people are engaged with the working group including information service providers, librarians, communication specialists, and editorial office staff from various Max Planck Institutes.
Our internal organisational team:
Josefine Blunk (MPI for Human Development, Berlin)
Anja Finger (MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig)
Thomas Gerdes (MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen)
Kirsten Heinrich (MPI for Biogeochemistry and Chemical Ecology, Jena)
Linda Marie Kallenborn (MPI for Software Systems, Saarbrücken)
Karin Kastens (MPI for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen)
Simone Schulze (MPI for Software Systems, Saarbrücken)
Kristin Starkloff (MPI of Geoanthropology, Jena)
The working group is open to everybody interested in Open Access and Open Science within the Max Planck Society. We welcome new members and active participation!
Please feel free to contact us at: minerva-liest-oa-owner @ lists.gwdg.de