Open Access-Projekte an der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

CARPET (Community for Academic Reviewing, Publishing and Editorial Technology)

Zeitraum: 10.2008 - 2013
MPG-Projekt-Partner: Max Planck Digital Library
Das CARPET Projekt ist eine Informationsplattform über Technologien des e-Publishing. Das Ziel ist die Nachhaltigkeit bestehender Projekte zu fördern und redundante Entwicklungen zu vermeiden. Das Projekt ist eine von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderte Kooperation zwischen der Max Planck Digital Library, der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. mehr

ECHO (European Cultural Heritage Online)

Zeitraum:12.2002 -
MPG-Projekt-Partner: MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
The ECHO initiative aims to create an infrastructure to bring cultural heritage on the Internet, and builds up a network of institutions, research projects and other users which provide content and technology for the common infrastructure, with the aim to enrich the “agora” and to create a future Web of Culture and Science. [...] mehr

PEER (Publishing and the Ecology of European Research)

Zeitraum: 11.2008 – 05.2012
MPG-Projekt-Partner: Max Planck Digital Library
The aim of PEER is to build a substantial body of evidence, by developing an “observatory” to monitor the effects of systematic archiving over time. Participating publishers will collectively contribute 300 journals to the project and supporting research studies will address issues such as: How large-scale archiving will affect journal viability, Whether it increases access, How it will affect the broader ecology of European research, Which factors influence the readiness to deposit in institutional and disciplinary repositories and what the associated costs might be, Models to illustrate how traditional publishing systems can coexist with self-archiving. [...]

SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics)

Zeitraum: 2006 -
MPG-Projekt-Partner: Max Planck Digital Library
A consortium facilitates Open Access publishing in High Energy Physics by re-directing subscription money. This answers the request of the High Energy Physics community. [...]

SOAP (Study of Open Access Publishing)

Zeitraum: 03.2009 – 02.2011
MPG-Projekt-Partner: Max Planck Digital Library
The SOAP project aims to deliver to the European Commission, publishers, libraries and research communities a description and analysis of models of open access publishing, so that these key players may ascertain which model, or combination and variation of models, will enable them to make a smooth transition to open access publishing. [...] mehr

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