Together for Transformation: With the 16th Berlin Open Access Conference, organized by the OA2020 Initiative and hosted by the Max Planck Society, participants returned to the setting where the Berlin Declaration originated. They discussed how to refine and renew our approaches to achieving the vision for an open information environment in the service of science and society, with a particular focus on transformative agreements.
Harnack House of the MPG in Berlin, where the “Berlin Declaration” was born.
Georg Botz (CC-BY-SA)
Harnack House of the MPG in Berlin, where the “Berlin Declaration” was born.
Georg Botz (CC-BY-SA)
The conference attracted national-level delegations, including scientists and scholars, senior library, higher education, funder and government leaders from around the world. Together, they assessed the performance of scholarly publishers in meeting the objectives and expectations set out by the research community engaged in transformative open access negotiations and formulated collective next steps to shape an open scholarly publishing paradigm in the service of science that is transparent, inclusive, sustainable and financially equitable on a global scale.
Martin Stratmann, President of the Max Planck Socuety, welcomes the praticipants in the Harnck House, Berlin.
Georg Botz (CC-BY-SA)
Martin Stratmann, President of the Max Planck Socuety, welcomes the praticipants in the Harnck House, Berlin.
Georg Botz (CC-BY-SA)
“Science must not fail because of publication fees! We need to ensure global equity in open access, inclusivity in science is good for science.“, said Martin Stratmann, President of the Max Planck Society, during his opening speech.
“Publishers must have an equity and inclusion plan that addresses the challenges of researchers globally, but especially in the global south. ((...)) We need to re-establish science and the dissemination thereof as a public good.” said Ms. Elen Tise, Senior Director, Library and Information Services at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
Participants of the 16th Berlin Open Access Conference
Georg Botz (CC-BY-SA)
Participants of the 16th Berlin Open Access Conference
Georg Botz (CC-BY-SA)
Conference co-chair Gerard Meijer, Fritz Haber Insitute of the MPG
Colleen Campell, OA2020 / MPDL
Conference co-chair Ulrich Pöschl, MPI for Chemistry