Open search: eLife is looking for a new Editor-in-Chief

August 17, 2018
 eLife, the non-profit organisation launched and supported by research funders to improve science publishing, is looking for an Editor-in-Chief. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Editor-in-Chief is the public champion and leader of eLife, responsible for eLife’s goals as an open-access publisher of excellent science, a developer of new tools and technology, and a voice for change.

After seven years as eLife’s founding Editor-in-Chief, Randy Schekman will be stepping down in early 2019, when he will be dedicating more time to his role as Chair of the Advisory Council for the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s initiative.

eLife is therefore seeking a new Editor-in-Chief to lead our efforts to improve the communication of new research findings across the life and biomedical sciences.

With the progress that eLife has made over the past seven years – in peer review, technology development and advocacy for reform in the evaluation of research – the incoming Editor-in-Chief will have a strong foundation to build on to catalyse real improvement in the conduct and communication of research in the life and biomedical sciences.

To help identify the inspiring leader who will serve as Editor-in-Chief, eLife is conducting an open search. Closing date for applications is October 14, 2018.

A search committee, comprising members of the eLife editorial board, Early-Career Advisory Group and executive team, and a researcher who is not an eLife editor, will create a shortlist of outstanding candidates. A subcommittee of the eLife Board of Directors will oversee the search process and will appoint the new Editor-in-Chief.

Please visit the eLife website for more information:

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