Meeting the Open Access obligations under “Horizon 2020”
Information for scientists involvend in projects funded under "Horizon 2020"
The European Union pleads for free availability of findings from publicly funded research. For all scientific publications originating from projects under “Horizon 2020”, the EU’s current Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Open Access publication is mandatory.
Publications made available free of charge via MPG.PuRe, the repository of the Max Planck Gesellschaft, automatically meet the relevant project requirements under “Horizon 2020”.
An information flyer developed by the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) indicating how the obligations contained in “Horizon 2020” may be adhered is available online (PDF).
In addition, the European IPR Helpdesk has published a FAQ list in order to answer queries received from Horizon 2020 applicants (PDF).